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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Prescription Discrimination :: Birth Control Drugs Medicine Essays
Remedy Discrimination Envision this, you a multi year young lady old who has chosen to turn out to be explicitly dynamic with your drawn out beau. This raises a great deal of issues for you. While you are keen on starting oral contraception you are not happy with conversing with your folks about sex. Regardless of whether you could converse with them, the odds they would pay for your contraception are probably nothing. You accomplish work however $30 per month for the pill on the expense of condoms takes up an enormous bit of your check. Do you choose to hold on to be explicitly dynamic or do you take your risks? Think about an alternate situation, you a wedded lady in your late thirties, with two kids, who gets money related help from the state. Consistently represents another battle when attempting to take care of the tabs. On food, utilities, gas and the significant expense of bringing up two kids you don't have space for the expense of anti-conception medication. In spite of the fact that you love your youngsters, you basically can't bear to have another under any conditions. Do you cease from engaging in sexual relations with your better half or do you takes your risks? As indicated by the Planned Parenthood site, â€Å"approximately 70,000 unintended pregnancies happen in Massachusetts each year,†this makes it evident that more ladies are deciding to take their risks over restraint. For a considerable length of time ladies have battled for equivalent rights in this nation and nations everywhere throughout the world. They have battled an intense battle and have made considerable progress. This makes an unmitigated message of sexual segregation even more ridiculous nowadays. The message is inconsistent medical coverage inclusion for ladies and even in the year 2003 it keeps on being a major issue. Lady across the country are confronted with a decision to either follow through on significant expenses for oral contraceptives or face a challenge and abandon them. On the opposite men are completely upheld when searching for inclusion of the recently promoted Viagra pill. Viagra is another creation, which enables more established men to accomplish and keep up an erection. Most protection plans spread the expense of this medication. While men are secured on a medication that’s sole reason for existing is to upgrade sexual joy, lady can't discover inclusion of a medication that important to maintain a strategic distance from pregnancy as well as diminish menstrual squeezing, clear up skin break outs, and control menstrual cycles.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Amy Beach (Mrs. H. H. A. Beach)
Amy Beach (Mrs. H. H. A. Sea shore) Amy Beach Facts Known for: old style author, whose achievement was unordinary for her sex, one of scarcely any American arrangers perceived globally at the timeOccupation: musician, composerDates: September 5, 1867 - December 27, 1944Also known as: Amy Marcy Cheney, Amy Marcy Cheney Beach, Amy Cheney Beach, Mrs. H. H. A. Sea shore Amy Beach Biography: Amy Cheney started to sing at two years old and play piano at four years old. She started her conventional investigation of piano at age six, showed first by her mom. At the point when she acted in her first open presentation at age seven, she incorporated her very own few bits creation. Her folks had her examination music in Boston, in spite of the fact that it was increasingly basic for performers of her ability to concentrate in Europe. She went to a tuition based school in Boston and concentrated with melodic instructors and mentors Ernst Perabo, Junius Hill and Carl Baermann. At sixteen years old, Amy Cheney had her expert presentation, and in March, 1885, showed up with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, performing Chopins F minor concerto. In December of 1885, when she was eighteen, Amy wedded an a lot more established man. Dr. Henry Harris Aubrey Beach was a specialist in Boston who was additionally a novice artist. Amy Beach utilized the expert name Mrs. H. H. A. Sea shore from that time on, however more as of late, she has been credited as Amy Beach or Amy Cheney Beach. Dr. Sea shore urged his better half to form and distribute her pieces, instead of perform openly, after their marriage, bowing to a Victorian custom of spouses dodging the open circle. Her Mass was performed by the Boston Symphony in 1892. She had accomplished enough acknowledgment to be approached to make a choral piece for the 1893 Worlds Fair in Chicago. Her Gaelic Symphony, in view of people tunes of Ireland, by that equivalent ensemble in 1896. She created a piano concerto, and in an uncommon open appearance, soloed with the Boston Symphony in April of 1900 to make a big appearance that piece. A 1904 work, Variations on Balkan Themes, likewise utilized society tunes as motivation. In 1910, Dr. Sea shore kicked the bucket; the marriage had been glad yet childless. Amy Beach kept forming and came back to performing. She visited Europe, playing her own structures. Europeans were not used to either American writers or female authors fulfilling their high guidelines for old style music, and she increased significant consideration for her work there. Amy Beach started utilizing that name when in Europe, yet came back to utilizing Mrs. H. H. A. Sea shore when she found that she previously had some acknowledgment for her organizations distributed under that name. She was once asked in Europe, when despite everything utilizing the name Amy Beach, regardless of whether she was the little girl of Mrs. H. H. A. Sea shore. When Amy Beach came back to America in 1914, she lived in New York and kept making and performing. She played at two different Worlds Fairs: in 1915 in San Francisco and in 1939 in New York. She performed at the White House for Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. The womens testimonial development utilized her vocation for instance of a womans achievement. That it was uncommon for a lady to accomplish her degree of acknowledgment is reflected in the remark by George Witefield Chadwick, another Boston author, who called her one of the young men for her greatness. Her style, affected by the New England arrangers and sentimental people, and impacted by the American Transcendentalists, was considered during her own lifetime to be to some degree outdated. During the 1970s, with the ascent of woman's rights and consideration regarding womens history, Amy Beachs music was rediscovered and performed more frequently than it had been. No known accounts of her own exhibitions exist. Key Works Amy Beach composed in excess of 150 works, and distributed practically those. These are the absolute most popular: 1889: Valse-Caprice1892: Fireflies1892: Mass in E-level major1892: aria Eilende Wolken1893: Festival Jubilate1893: Ecstasy1894: Ballad1896: Gaelic Symphony1900: Three Browning Songs1903: June1904: Shena Van1907: The Chambered Nautilus1915: Panama Hymn1922: The Hermit Thrush at Eve and The Hermit Thrush at Morn1928: The Canticle of the Sun
Monday, August 17, 2020
A Reading List for Understanding the Media in 2016
A Reading List for Understanding the Media in 2016 A few years ago, I was teaching a digital journalism course at a local college. It was a dream job in a lot of ways: I had a small group of enthusiastic students and the freedom to choose my own readings. We examined the news, and how it was reported, as it happened. And because the digital landscape was constantly changing, so was the course. I was always reading and changing the syllabus. Recently, Ive been thinking about how Id update my syllabus to account for 2016. How would I teach my student my students to deal with a media landscape in which any fact can (and will be) disputed? In which reporters are targeted? With a president-elect who lies often and blatantly? With implicit bias in major news organizations, and fake news churned out by small ones? This reading list (much of which is my own TBR) grew out of that. It has all the information I wish I could teach my former students, were I teaching this year: history, context, racial bias in the media, ethics, an examination of why people hate the press, and essays about the medias role in a digital and contentious world. For a background in digital media: Online News: Journalism and the Internet, by Stuart Allan I actually did assign this book to my class, and you should know something: its dry and my students haaaaated it. BUT (and this is the important but Id give my students when they started to complain about their reading) it provides an essential history of news and the Internet, going back to the Oklahoma City bombing. If you want to understand how the news got online, and how that changed the industry and how we think of news, this book delivers. Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations, by Clay Shirky This books not so much about media as it is about using the Internet to organize, but its focus on the Internet makes it an important resource for anyone who wants to understand the Internets influence on the news. Its a little dated (MySpace is mentioned), but it is an exploration of how the Internet has changed the way we connect with one another, and that includes the media. The Master Switch, by Tim Wu This book, also not strictly about the news, is a slightly more jaded examination of the Internet. Wu focuses on the information industrys history, pointing out that all information industries, from the telephone to the Internet, start in a lawless, free, chaotic state, until a corporation clamps down and privitizes. This book may point at the future of the Internet and the media. For an understanding of media distrust: Getting It Wrong: Debunking the Greatest Myths in American Journalism, by W. Joseph Campbell The medias mandate is the truth, but so many of its own stories arent true. In this second edition, W. Joseph Campbell examines the biggest media-driven myths â€" from Watergate to the Internet age â€" describing how these myths feed stereotypes, distort understanding about the news media, and deflect blame from policymakers. (It may sting a little to read this if youre a journalist, but hey, hydrogen peroxide only stings when its working, right?) Trust Me, Im Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator, by Ryan Holiday Why yes, the media is often manipulated. Why yes, its easy for someone who knows how. I feel a little queasy about putting this book by media strategist Ryan Holiday on the list, but any student of media should know the presss weak points. Why Democracies Need an Unloveable Press, by Michael Schudson Everybody looooves to hate the media. This was true way before this election, it was true before the Internet was a thing, and its probably been true since the first newspaper was published back in Rome. This book, by sociologist Michael Schudson, addresses the relationship between the media and democracy and examines what public knowledge is, and what it should be. Understanding racial bias in the news: Within the Veil: Black Journalists, White Media, by Pamela Newkirk This book is from 2002, a time when â€" although there were a number of black reporters in newsrooms â€" they often faced resistance from editors and their papers when they tried to tell stories that challenged the white mainstream narrative. Newkirk tells stories of racial struggle within newsrooms across the country, as black reporters tried to challenge stereotypes, depict African-American communiteis fairly and honestly, and simply do their jobs. This book may be 14 years old, but its just as relevant as ever. Race-Baiter: How the Media Wields Dangerous Words to Divide a Nation , by Eric Deggans â€" Veteran journalist Eric Degganss 2012 book is tailor-made for this year. Deggans examines the way that todays media courts readers and clicks by exploiting their prejudices. While Newkirk writes about news organizations suffering from entrenched racial prejudices, Deggans writes about the news organizations that deliberately weaponize them, and the consequences of those articles. News For All The People: The Epic Story of Race and the American Media, by Juan Gonzalez and Joseph Torres Its no secret that the media is responsible for shaping our cultural narrative, and that means that the media disseminates prejudices and images that contribute to racial oppression. This book examines the history of race and news from the colonial age to segregation, to the present day, and tells the stories of Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American journalists. Guidelines for 21st century journalism: The New Ethics of Journalism: Principles for the 21st Century, edited by Kelly McBride and Tom Rosenstiel Im reading this book, which was put out by Poynter, right now. The books goal is to come up with guiding ethical principals for the 21st century, but the essays themselves â€" which examine the role of media in the Internet age â€" (for example, how do you report in a post-fact age?) are the most interesting part. The New Censorship: Inside the Global Battle for Media Freedom, by Joel Simon Few discussions of journalism focus on the threat to journalists themselves. This book, put out by the Columbia Journalism Review, discusses the danger that individual journalists are in across the globe, by governments, militants, and terrorists, among others. The threat to journalists is also a threat to journalism, because when reporters are surveilled, threatened or killed, public information suffers. Joel Simon proposes 10 priorities for combating this new censorship and a global free-expression charter. Sign up for True Story to receive nonfiction news, new releases, and must-read forthcoming titles. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
How the Drinking Bird Science Toy Works
The drinking bird or sippy bird is a popular science toy that features a glass bird that repeatedly dips its beak into ​the water. Heres the explanation for how this science toy works. What Is a Drinking Bird? Depending on where you live, you may see this toy called a drinking bird, sipping bird, sippy bird, dippy bird or insatiable birdie. The earliest version of the device appears to have produced in China circa 1910-1930. All versions of the toy are based on a heat engine in order to function. Evaporation of a liquid from the birds beak lowers the temperature of the head of the toy. The change in temperature creates a pressure differential inside the body of the bird, which causes it to perform mechanical work (dip its head). A bird that dips its head into water will keep dipping or bobbing as long as water is present. In fact, the bird works as long as its beak is damp, so the toy continues to function for a span of time even if it is removed from the water. Is the drinking bird a perpetual motion machine? Sometimes the drinking bird is called a perpetual motion machine, but there is no such thing as perpetual motion, which would violate the laws of thermodynamics. The bird only works as long as water is evaporating from its beak, producing an energy change in the system. What Is Inside a Drinking Bird? The bird consists of two glass bulbs (head and body) that are connected by a glass tube (neck). The tube extends into the bottom bulb almost to its base, but the tube does not extend into the top bulb. The fluid in the bird usually is colored dichloromethane (methylene chloride), although older versions of the device may contain trichloromonofluoromethane (not used in modern birds because it is a CFC). When the drinking bird is manufactured the air inside the bulb is removed so that the body will fill with fluid vapor. The head bulb has a beak that is covered with felt or a similar material. The felt is important for the functioning of the device. Decorative items, such as eyes, feathers or a hat may be added to the bird. The bird is set to pivot on an adjustable crosspiece fixed to the neck tube. Educational Value The drinking bird is used to illustrate many principles in chemistry and physics: boiling and condensation [dichloromethane has a low boiling point of 39.6 Â °C (103.28 Â °F)]combined gas law (​the proportional relationship between the pressure and temperature of a gas in a constant volume)ideal gas law (​the proportional relationship between the number of particles of a gas and the pressure in a constant volume)torquethe center of masscapillary action (wicking of water into the felt)wet-bulb temperature (temperature difference between head and body bulbs depends on the relative humidity of the air)the Maxwell-Boltzmann distributionheat of vaporization/heat of condensationfunctioning of a heat engine Safety The sealed drinking bird is perfectly safe, but the fluid inside the toy is not non-toxic. Older birds were filled with a flammable fluid. The dichloromethane in the modern version is not flammable, but if the bird breaks, it is best to avoid the liquid. Contact with dichloromethane can cause skin irritation. Inhalation or ingestion should be avoided because the chemical is a mutagen, teratogen and possibly a carcinogen. The vapor quickly evaporates and disperses, so the best way to deal with a broken toy is to ventilate the area and allow the fluid to disperse.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Diversity Organization - 1367 Words
anization Diversity Organization Robert McReynolds University of Phoenix Diversity Organization For many years, Americans have held certain opinions concerning gender, sex, women, and sexual orientation. A definition of both gender and sex will be provided. The roles of women throughout American history will be discussed. When people think about masculinity and femininity, they have certain preconceived ideas. How these ideas contribute to the understanding gender, sex, and sexual orientation will be examined. Finally, the status of GLBT individuals will be explored. An increased understanding will be gained concerning these issues. Gender and Sex Gender can be defined as an individual’s feelings of being either male or female†¦show more content†¦Persecution of these individuals has been around in this country since shortly after America was discovered in 1492 by Columbus. In 1566 the first execution for same-sex activities occurred in what is now Florida by the Spanish (LGBT History in the United States: A Timeline [LCBT], 2014). In 1778 the American Army discharged Gotthold Enslin for sodomy. Even the term â€Å"homosexual†has been around since 1869 when psychologist Karoly Maria Benkert developed it. Then in 1924 The Society for Human Rights was organized and has been recognized as the first gay rights organization in America (LCBT, 2014). Another blow against the gay community came in 1953 when newly elected President Dwight Eisenhower, through executive order 10450, banned employment of gays by the government (LCBT, 2014). In 1973 The American Psychiatric Association ended a century of attempting to cure homosexuality by taking it out of the DSM. After 29 years, Wisconsin became the first state to ban employment discrimination due to sexual orientation in 1982. The sitcom Will and Grace was first aired in 1998 and put the gay lifestyle in the mainstream spotlight. This program helped get the LGBT community the much needed attention it needed and shed a positive light on this style of living. Then in 2004 Massachusetts became the first state to legalize same sex marriage (LCBT, 2014). Although still discriminated against in many areas today, acceptance has come a long way.Show MoreRelatedDiversity And Inclusion Of An Organization1204 Words  | 5 PagesIn a survey, 24 executives were asked way advancing diversity in their organizations was so important to them. The majority believe â€Å"it was a business imperative because their companies needed it to stay competitive, and they believed it was a moral imperative because of their companies needed of their personal exper iences and values†(Broysberg Connolly, 2013). 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Employers have the ability to solicit creative ideas and implement them intoRead MoreThe Organization s Success With Diversity1729 Words  | 7 Pagesleading organization in diversity initiatives. As stipulated in her will in order to receive the full gift Love Enterprise needs to have a solid action plan in place as well as specific ways to measure the organization’s success with diversity. In the following paragraphs I will discuss what course of action I would take in developing an action plan, then I will discuss the various tools and modes I would use to measure the success of the action plan. Love Enterprises is an organization that hasRead MoreWorkplace Diversity : An Organization Wide Effort1809 Words  | 8 PagesCorporate America is seeing a shift in workforce demographics, with the terms â€Å"workplace diversity’ being thrown around in meetings across many large organizations. 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FFA used to stand for the Future Farmers of America (What is FFA, Nov.3, 2015). Now the official name is the National FFA Organization (National FFA Organization records, 1916-2008, Nov. 3, 2015). Some people think that FFA is just for students who want to be a farmer or are a farm (What is FFA, Nov.3, 2015). These
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Are parents to stick on their kids Free Essays
Today I am here to share with you about the loss of my beloved daughter, Juliet. As a father myself, I will be sharing the many mistakes I have made while raising Juliet, hoping you will be able to learn from my past experiences and not make the same mistakes I have already made. One of the biggest mistakes I made as a father is not giving Juliet the freedom she deserved. We will write a custom essay sample on Are parents to stick on their kids? or any similar topic only for you Order Now As parents, we want the best for our children as we want to ensure their safety. However, we tend to forget that they’re growing up and we take away their hoicks and rights as we think we know what’s best for them. An example of this would be when I threatened Juliet with eviction and portended to disown her if she didn’t marry Paris that I would kick her out and disown her if she didn’t get married to Paris. This was a very unreasonable and harsh decision I made, as I will regret this for the rest of my life as it will lead her to rebel and do things behind my back. If I had Just given her the freedom she deserved, things may not have ended up the way It has. One of the biggest mistakes I made as a father Is not giving Juliet the freedom she didn’t marry Pans that I would kick her out and disown her if she didn’t get married it has. Didn’t marry Paris that I would kick her out and disown her if she didn’t get married it has. Greetings to all. As you might be familiar already, I am Lord Caplet. Today I am here to share with you about the loss of my beloved daughter, Juliet. As a father myself, I will be sharing the many mistakes I have made while raising Juliet, hoping you will be able to learn from my past experiences and not make the same mistakes I have already made. How to cite Are parents to stick on their kids?, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
How far do you agree with the view that Twelfth Night is a comedy where tragedy lurks just under the surface Essay Example For Students
How far do you agree with the view that Twelfth Night is a comedy where tragedy lurks just under the surface Essay Although there is little speculation as to whether or not Twelfth Night is a comedy when watching or reading the play, the majority regard the play as a comedy and not a tragedy. Purely because of the many funny scenarios that occur throughout the play, and because of the structure of the play which fits a pattern with other comedies written by Shakespeare. This structure may include: mistaken identities, separation and unification, male friendship, a clever servant, heightened tensions often within a family and multiple plots. Many of Shakespeares comedies contain most if not all of these elements. In Twelfth Night these elements are clearly apparent which will be explored in our search to answer the question: whether Twelfth Night is a comedy where tragedy lurks just under the surface? Twelfth Night would have undoubtedly been regarded as a comedy in the Elizabethan theatre. Shakespeare obviously intends for it to be perceived as a comedy and not to be taken seriously as the subtitle suggests What You Will, meaning the audience can perceive the play how they like. Its name Twelfth Night has nothing to do with the play but was named after the Twelfth Night holiday and was to be performed as part of Twelfth Night celebrations; further implying the play is to bring happiness and laughter but clearly not sorrow. However even though the play stands as a comedy, the tragedy of the character Malvolio and the cruelty shown towards him still questions the humanity of the audience and society in Elizabethan times in finding such a heartless and spiteful circumstance facetious. This play is clearly not a tragedy and even though much cruelty and vindictiveness is projected at Malvolio by the characters Sir Toby, Maria, Sir Andrew, Fabian and Feste; they are not evil, merciless characters of the play. However many of them justify the reason why Twelfth Night is a hilarious comedy. Sir Toby Belch, uncle to Olivia, is a fairly important character of the play in ensuring it remains as comical as possible and a distraction for people of Elizabethan times from their daily routine (the real world). Sir Toby is fat, crude and spends the entire play drunk; however Sir Toby is witty and intelligent, making many jokes and puns. A prime example would be the scene where he forces the unwilling Cesario into a duel with petrified Sir Andrew, terrifying both of them with personas (lies) he creates of them; telling these lies to the opposite duelling partner. He notifies Sir Andrew that Cesario is the very devil, a Virago; which causes panic and fear throughout Sir Andrews whole body, although she is anything but that. He informs Cesario, who is Viola a woman masquerading as a castrated man that Sir Andrew is full of despite and as bloody as the hunter, quick, skilful and deadly. This is one of the many comical geniuses that Shakespeare creates for the character Sir Toby. Another humorous plot is where Sir Toby tricks Malvolio into dressing stupidly and behaving absurdly; which eventually leads to him being put in jail for supposedly being mad and possessed by the devil. Sir Andrew, the drinking partner of Sir Toby, who was also involved in the callousness shown to Malvolio, is not evil either. He is anything but evil; he is a foolish character of the play. He is manipulated by Sir Toby into pursuing Lady Olivia since this will maintain Sir Tobys drinking lifestyle since Sir Andrew is very rich earning some three thousand ducats a year meaning the unintelligent Sir Andrew is greatly valued by Sir Toby. The comical example mentioned of Cesario duelling Sir Toby was not for the benefit of Sir Andrew. Sir Toby manipulated Sir Andrew into duelling with Cesario who became a threat to Sir Tobys plans; the unwitting Sir Andrew went along with the duel thinking it was for his benefit in trying to win Olivia. Clearly Sir Andrew is not evil but foolish. However he did dislike Malvolio for he found him annoying as he threatened to tell Olivia of their escapades (drinking and making noise all night). It would now seem Sir Toby seems immoral with his plot against Malvolio and his constant manipulation of Sir Andrew. He does not even care that Sir Andrew could be injured in the duel with Cesario but only cares about his money and drinking. Even though the odds are weighed against Sir Toby he is still an entertaining, comical figure of the play making Twelfth Night one of Shakespeares most loved comedies. Fabian servant to Lady Olivia also dislikes Malvolio and also participates in Malvolios downfall referring to Malvolio as a Cur mongrel dog. He relishes the letter: What dish o poison has she dressed him! This shows he will enjoy seeing Malvolio completely humiliated and is constantly enthusiastic about the plot devised to get revenge on Malvolio. Fabian may seem cruel and cunning also but he does not play a major part in tormenting Malvolio when he is locked up unlike Feste. The two soliloquies express EssayIn the end he does not get to marry Olivia which was his main aim throughput the play when he duelled with Cesario, and he is less wealthy as cunning Sir Toby has sponged off him. The audience should really feel sorry for Sir Andrew because he is regarded as a fool by all other characters, especially Sir Toby who is supposed to be a good friend of his. However on the whole the play ends happily for the characters, with marriage for the main characters Viola and Orsino who were wedded and Olivia and Sebastian who were also wedded. This is the ideal way to end if the play does not want to seem like a tragedy as it is the most happiness for the main characters. Viola who finally finds out her brother Sebastian is alive and vice versa, she also gets to marry the man she has loved from the start Orsino. Orsino is happy as he has someone to love who loves him back. Olivia is happy as she has fallen in love with the words and persona of Cesario and has transferred those feelings to Sebastian because he looks so alike Viola. Sebastian is happy or overwhelmed that he has just married a woman he barely knows but obviously does not mind. This happy ending for the main characters that were not involved in the sub plot with the tricking of Malvolio with Marias letter which is a trademark for comedies, is ludicrous. In real life we know this could never happen; all those times Orsino spoke of his love so passionately for Olivia he just transfers them simply in the blink of an eye to Viola. This play although deals with real feelings felt by humans such as sadness, pain, anger and hatred it is just joyful fantasy play full of impossibilities. For example: grown adults are shown behaving like unruly children, there are no parents to tell the lovers what to do, the behaviour of the lovers as they fall in and out of love is irrational, the story of the play is absurd it seems unlikely that Viola could disguise herself so successfully as a man and that she and her brother could be mistaken for each other, the realistic and apparently serious and responsible person Malvolio, is actually a hypocrite, has an appalling trick played upon him and is rejected by almost every other character. This undoubtedly proves that Twelfth Night is a comedy, however I do agree with the title that states Twelfth Night is a comedy with tragedy lurking under the surface. In combination with the humorous characters, happy endings, titanic confusion, and the pure absurdity of this play it is undoubtedly a comedy. However Shakespeare does cut it fine with him playing around a bit too much. The tragedy of Malvolio and the cruelty shown towards him definitely makes people think twice however he just isnt an important enough character for the audience to feel the play is a tragedy. Sir Andrew neither gets an easy ride as mentioned adding to the tragedy that lurks in this play. Although this is the main misfortune that lurks in this dubious play there is the possibility of a much larger catastrophe with regards to the love triangle that occurs that would completely change the genre of the play from a light hearted comedy to blood ridden tragedy such as was Hamlet another prestigious play from Shakespeare. If ever Orsino or Olivia were to find out the Cesario is really a woman (Viola) there could be disastrous consequences. If ever Cesario was to react to her feelings for Orsino he may be angered and put Cesario in prison. However, probably the most likely what if scenario: if Orsino was to find out Olivia loved Cesario, Orsino would think Cesario has tricked him and betrayed him; since the whole point of Cesario visiting Olivia is to try persuade her to marry or love Orsino. There are also possible other tragedies: if Malvolio was to exert his revenge by killing Sir Toby, Feste, Fabian, Maria or Sir Andrew the play would definitely become a tragedy. If Sir Andrew realised Sir Toby had been manipulating and using him, he may declare revenge on Sir Toby and possibly on Olivia thinking if he cant have her no-one can. In conclusion I certainly agree with the statement that Twelfth Night is a comedy where tragedy lurks just under the surface which has been thoroughly proved throughout this essay by the fact that there are elements of tragedy but just not enough for the play to make people think its a tragedy.
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