Monday, September 30, 2019
Kingdom of Life Essay
The Kingdom of Monera is the smallest in size in the biological world but are the most in terms of numbers. They can be found almost everywhere on earth. Monerans are the only kingdom of the prokaryotic type, organisms that lack a nucleus. The most common of this kind is the bacteria, which most people know are harmful for it causes illnesses and some degrees of food poisoning. The division of a single bacterium into two similar daughter cells constitutes the bacterial growth. This process is called binary fission which in turn promotes its population to grow exponentially. Bacteria are said to be the first inhabitants of Earth. Protozoa, fungus-like protists and the algae are the major categories under the kingdom of Protista. Members are categorized as colonial, unicellular or multi-cellular. Organisms under this kingdom are all eukaryotic, meaning they all have a true nucleus. Most undergo mitosis for their growth while some by meiosis and fertilization for their reproduction process. All organisms live in a water-based environment. Network forming which is called mycelia is the common process in which members of the kingdom of fungi grow. Fungi cause diseases in plant like smuts and rusts, while severe damage are from stem root and leaf rots. Most common in humans are athlete’s foot and ringworm among others. Animal diseases are very hard to treat because of its genetic and chemical similarity to fungi. Harmful as they may seem, some fungi members play significant roles in the ecological system. Some plants can’t grow without fungi. Breakthroughs in medicine are synthesized from fungi while others are used for food. The environment can not take form without plants. Humans can’t live without them. That is how important the kingdom of plantae is to our planet and to our lives. Said to lived 360 million years ago, plants vary in sizes, from very small kind to tall huge trees. Plants reproduce asexually and grow with the help of external factors. They are the only living organisms that are able to produce their own food through photosynthesis. Members of the kingdom Animalia are all heterotrophs. Animals, for their sustenance and survival, depends on other organisms around them. All organisms of the kingdom are eukaryotic and multicellular. Animals reproduce sexually through their special cells which when united form the zygotes that later grow into a new individual. The first recorded phyla of this kingdom was a marine specie some 542 million years ago. References: Windows Team, (1998, December 17). Windows to the Universe.  Retrieved, September 27, 2008 from, Carter, Stein J., (2004, November 3). SC Links.  Retrieved, September 27, 2008 from, Â
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Motivating Employees in an Organisation Essay
Motivating Employees in an Organization S Santosh Contents Chapter 12 Chapter 25 Chapter 310 Chapter 415 Chapter 1 Motivation: Concepts and Theories Defining motivation The word â€Å"motivation†comes from the Latin word movere – â€Å"to move. †And managers often view motivation in exactly those terms (â€Å"I need to get my people moving! â€Å"). Motivation is the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action. General motivation is concerned with effort towards any goal, whereas effort towards Organizational goals reflects work-related behavior. Many contemporary authors have also defined the concept of motivation. Motivation has been defined as: the psychological process that gives behavior purpose and direction (Kreitner, 1995); a predisposition to behave in a purposive manner to achieve specific, unmet needs (Buford, Bedeian, & Lindner, 1995); an internal drive to satisfy an unsatisfied need (Higgins, 1994); and the will to achieve (Bedeian, 1993). For this paper, motivation is operationally defined as the inner force that drives individuals to accomplish personal and organizational goals. We mainly deal with the motivating employees in an organization towards the organizational goal for the benefit of both the organization and the employee. Understanding what motivates employees and how they are motivated was the focus of many researchers following the publication of the Hawthorne Study results (Terpstra, 1979). Motivation Theories and concepts While there are many theories on motivation, the seven major approaches that have led to our understanding of motivation are the following: †¢ According to Maslow, employees have five levels of needs (Maslow, 1943): physiological, safety, social, ego, and self- actualizing. Maslow argued that lower level needs had to be satisfied before the next higher level need would motivate employees. †¢ Herzberg’s work categorized motivation into two factors: motivators and hygiene (Herzberg, Mausner, ; Snyderman, 1959). Motivator or intrinsic factors, such as achievement and recognition, produce job satisfaction. Hygiene or extrinsic factors, such as pay and job security, produce job dissatisfaction. †¢ McClelland’s Theory of Needs which focuses on three needs, namely need for Achievement, Need for power, Need for affiliation.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Chapter 10 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Chapter 10 - Essay Example ending to use this method include apt skill in identifying focused and fundamental research questions, formulation and strategic testing of hypothesis, control for confounding variables, Skill in conducting, all-round interview, which include, structured, semi-structured and open-ended and calculating and making conclusions from descriptive and inferential statistics According to chapter ten, the benefits of embracing mixed research methods include complete address of a research problem, gain complementary data to and from research methods, sound generation and testing of hypothesis and triangulation purposes among others. This chapter gives a glimpse of the kinds of mixed methods designs that are universally applied. They include convergent, embedded, explanatory and exploratory designs. On equal measure, this chapter provides the plans of carrying out a mixed-method research procedure. It involves such steps as identifying the research questions and relevant hypothesis, carrying out the research review and considering all the validity concerns of the sample data According to chapter ten of the book, a researcher needs to understand the two special ethical concerns or issues that may arise (Leedy, Paul & Ormrod, 2012). They include, in the exploratory design, where results of phase 1 guide the implementation of phase 11, the researcher may submit two proposals in this situation to the IRB. One for each Phase and the issue of explanatory design, when the researcher wants to apply phase one outcome of quantitative data should be
Friday, September 27, 2019
Global Marketing and Communications 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Global Marketing and Communications 2 - Essay Example Don E. Schultz is referred as the father of the integrated marketing communication. His research and teaching focus upon financial measure and branding along with the communication integration (Leopold, 2010). There are six steps to develop effective global communication. Firstly, one has to identify the target audience and then determine the communication objectives. After that, message should be designed and communication channel has to be selected. Next, the source of the message should be selected and finally the result of the communication is analysed. These six factors are very much helpful to create the global marketing communication (Volkmer, n.d.). Global marketing communication is a kind of marketing technique that facilitates global business. A firm operates in more than one country in order to have financial advantages which they might not get in their domestic environment. In order to have global business, the company should have due emphasis upon marketing and production facilities. When a company decides to go global, it should get hold of the following basic attributes: John Pemberton, who was an Atlanta based pharmacist, founded Coca Cola in the year of 1886. The name of the company was decided by Frank Robinson, the bookkeeper of John Pemberton. Coca Cola entered into the global markets of Canada and Mexico in the year of 1898. In this year a law was passed in the Congress in wake of Spanish-American war for which Coca Cola was sold only as beverage and not as drug as decided earlier. Ben Thomas and Joseph Whitehead received the bottling rights in the year 1898. Later the company started their bottling operations in Philippines, Panama, Puerto Rico and Cuba among other countries (Ohio University, n.d.). Coke is tasted worldwide as bottling operation was available in 28 countries in 1929. Coke started to sell in a can
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Case for Briefing Dewsnup v. Timm 116 L.Ed. 2d 903, 112 S. Ct. 773 Article
Case for Briefing Dewsnup v. Timm 116 L.Ed. 2d 903, 112 S. Ct. 773 (1992) - Article Example In 1986 and 1987, plaintiff-respondents filed complaints in the Federal District Court for the District of Oregon, alleging that they were induced to invest in the partnerships by misrepresentations in offering memoranda prepared by petitioner and others in violations of inter alia, 10 (b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 and further assert that they become aware of the alleged misrepresentations only in 1985. The court granted summary judgment for the defendants on the ground that the complaints were not timely filed, ruling that the claims were governed by Oregon's 2-year limitations period for fraud claims, the most analogous forum-state statute; that plaintiff-respondents had been on notice of the possibility of fraud as early as 1982; and that there were no grounds sufficient to toll the statute of limitations. The Court of Appeals also selected Oregon's limitations period, but reversed, finding that there were unresolved factual is- sues as to when plaintiff-respondents should have discovered the alleged fraud. No. The judgment is reversed. The court through Justice Blackmun held that litigation pursuant to 10(b) and Rule 10b-5 must be commenced within one year after the discovery of the facts constituting the violation and within three years after such violation, as provided in the 1934 Act and the Securities Act of 1933. It is the usual rule that when Congress has failed to pro- vide a statute of limitations for a
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Education in America Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Education in America - Personal Statement Example Moreover, they do no hold enough strong financial background to support my education. Therefore, I am facing two problems at a time, my family resistance not to study more across the border as it is not in our family traditions and financial background. The only support that I have is my father who loves to see me as a high educated girl. These problems are affecting my studies as I can't give my full coverage over my studies. Not only I have to support my education but also I have to realize my family member that how important is my studies in this era. To finance my studies I am trying to earn through job that is consuming much of my time, more often I also face cultural problem at my work place. As I is Chinese born and my culture, language and traces are completely different from Americans. Though, this is a secondary problem but still this problem is also contributing in my tensions. But now as time passes, my father has contributed a lot in supporting my education, not only thi s he also realized my family that I ma on the right path. As time passes, my family when seek positive enhancements and augmentations in my personality, and when they see people respecting me as I am highly educated, they are no more criticizing my education and my stay in USA. Moreover, as I pass different levels of my education I get better jobs that support my education in better way. Though different problem aris... This cultural difference becomes a great hurdle in my social life. This enables me to restrict within a small social group who also belong to Chinese culture. But still face problem in finding such friends and groups who have Chinese culture and this pressurize me to get involve in this new culture so that life in the future become easy. Though, I accept this culture because I was compel to accept this to make the life easier in future but still I accept those things from this culture which my tradition can allow. Later on with time, when the American culture fully exposed to me, I do not accept the culture fully as I know that I have to return to my country after completing my job. But to make the journey of my education in America easy, I accept the culture of America and try with time to accept different things and this directly affect my socialization. The more I become social, the more I interact people, the more I learn from them. I have joined a student campaign that helps the other students who arrived from different culture, this campaign or organization actually help such students in their initial stages. Leading such campaign was not a problem for me as I already face all such problems and know that how I have to handle them. Therefore, I have introduces different small programs within the campaign that directly help those who are new to USA and arrived for their further studies. My leadership qualities remain my strength as I know that how I have to agree and realized my co-follows for such programs. When you know that you are on the right path and you are right in your rights than this actually enhances your leadership character because when you are internally strong than you not only lead yourself but you
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Project - Research Paper Example These feelings, thoughts and actions are influenced by all the elements existing in the environment (Solomon, Bamossy, Askegaard, and Hogg, 2010). Consumer behavior is changing with the passage of time as feelings, actions and thinking of individuals, and consumer groups are changing continuously (Hawkins, &Mothersbaugh, 2009). Since the advancement in information technologies, a consumer’s daily life and activities have changed a lot. Today, consumers from around the world are aware of information technologies and the majority of them adopt these information technologies (Blackwell, Miniard, and Engel, 2006). The behavior of consumers has changed due to the advancement in information technologies (Evans, Jamal, and Foxall, 2009). The process of adopting information technologies is fairly low but once it is adapted, there consumers become highly used to technology and its usage. Statistics reveal that since 2004, the use of the internet has been doubled each year. At the beginning of 2008, it was estimated that almost half of the world’s population have been engaged in using the internet (Weber, 2008). There are numerous theories that explain what affects the adoption of information technologies and behavior of consumers. For instance, the most vital elements are the following: The purchasing attitude of a consumer could be influenced by various factors fluctuating from social, economical and psychological to cultural. Though, it cannot be claimed clearly that whether information and communication technology do affect the behavior of a consumer and if it has an influence then to what extent. A study has been conducted to identify this phenomenon where one hundred respondents were chosen, and the study has revealed that out of these hundred respondents 30 were the producers and 30 were consumers. The results concluded that the buying behavior of the consumers
Monday, September 23, 2019
Time Traveling, Art Historian Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Time Traveling, Art Historian - Essay Example I was able to ask a Chinese local worker, among hundreds of thousands of them, what the purpose of building such a large army is for. They told me it is to protect the tomb of Qin Shi Huang, the first and current emperor of China when he passes away and so he would have subjects to reign over in the afterlife. This emperor has done great things for China indeed. He first unified China more than a decade from the time I have currently travelled to, which is around 210 BC. Indeed, â€Å"the craftsmanship attested by each of the statues is as stupendous as the scale of the project.†(â€Å"The Terracotta Warriors: Forbidding Sentinels of a Death Defying Emperor†) What I notice most is how these sculpted bands of warriors are matchless. They are life-size figures that are individually being shaped in clay by apparently about 700,000 men who come from all over China and Eastern Asia. â€Å"Interestingly, seven individuals came from southern China, and a smaller number came from northern China.†(Anne, 2008) The details on the sculptures are extremely dumbfounding. Present approximations are that in the depths enclosing the army, there are right now about six thousand warriors, fifty chariots with more than four hundred horses, and they plan on making a few more. Along with the military figures also include officials, entertainers, and performers. From this great monument, I certainly can see how important the afterlife is for them and that they believe that one can bring possessions and even people with him/her when they pass away. After about a month, I then time travel to a nation just beside China, in the time of the 1820s. This nation’s culture, in reality, has actually been shaped by Chinese culture itself. This country is the great nation of Japan. This time, as I have found out, is during the Tokugawa Shogunate. During my first few days of staying in this beautiful and seemingly serene country, I was able to befriend a few Japanese locals. I asked them
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Professional Analysis of Job Description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Professional Analysis of Job Description - Essay Example A HR manager should have excellent control over communication skills. This not only involves speaking and listening, but also not verbal communication such as written and control over facial expressions. For a company that requires only the best, prior experience in this field is an absolute necessity. Until and unless the HR manager has seen and lived through enough years of handling different employees, a manager is not be ready to face challenges that a big company creates. The HR manager position at the manufacturing organization is very demanding even for an experienced manager. Apart from the skills required as mentioned in the above section, the HR manager would be required to develop the organization and management culture. Complete business units/teams will have to be created, coordinated and evaluated so that managers could meet their business objectives. The HR manager would also be required to improve the individual skills of the employees so that the organization as a whole can benefit from it. Another differentiating requirement for this HR manager position is the need to be involved in the commercial decisions taken by the organization. Not only would the manager need to understand business decisions, the manager would also need to facilitate the business and solve any business issues within the organizational teams. Truly such responsibilities cannot be undertaken by an inexperienced manager, in-fact an experienced manager would find under taking such duties, roles and responsibilities enormously challenging. (McNamara,
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Performance Measurement Essay Example for Free
Performance Measurement Essay Performance measurement tools have been used by many organizations or companies these days as one of their strategies in achieving success. Specifically, this tool is useful for detailed evaluation of the production process of one company, provide extensive guidance for the decision making process, and assess the performance of the company departments and individual employees. In general, measurement tools are created to give the company an easier access to a feedback system regarding its consistency in achieving their goals, and to provide them with options on how they can improve their current process. Basically, it gives companies a preview of how they are currently performing and where they might be heading. Another benefit of having a performance system is being able to better motivate the employees to do better with their jobs. However, such tool also has its consequences and the company should also be ready for it. Managers can easily monitor how their employees are doing by having a performance measurement tool. And one way for them to make their work performance consistent is by having a reward system. With this employees will really work harder with the hopes of attaining the reward. There have been many records and surveys that testified to the positive impacts of performance measurement tools to the employee work performance. In the US Municipalities, 9.6% of the respondents found the tool substantial, and 33.3% find it moderate. Moreover, these results are supported by the same survey conducted in other US counties, which gathered 31.5% of the respondents agreed to the accurate effectiveness of the performance measurement tool. In terms of its impact on employee motivation, 32-68% of the respondents agreed to its effectiveness. All these records only suggest that there are many organizational aspects that the performance measurement tool can improve. Below are some of the major points to consider to ensure that a company has a good performance measurement system are: †¢ The results should be kept clear and brief. †¢ A company has polished both its internal and external communication †¢ Employees and other stakeholders should know about the performance measurement tool. †¢ The manager should be able to establish a proper implementation of the performance measurement tool. †¢ Whatever results gained from performance measurement should be reflected with the employees’ salary, incentives, and recognition. Organizations have many ways of reflecting the results of the performance measurement results by giving them either monetary rewards, or additional off days. It is also ethical for an employee to receive a feedback directly from his or her supervisor, whether it is a positive or negative feedback. One of the most popularly used performance measurement tool is the dashboard. The most important information about the company can be found in the dashboard, such as the target and performance data reports, which can be printed out through a spreadsheet on a regular basis. This makes it easier for managers to access whatever information they need, instead of constantly waiting for someone else to give it to them. Information such as performance of the employees, organizational productivity, custom orders, and order fulfillment are some of the necessary information for managers. From this accessible information, the managers can readily make decisions for the company or with regards to any issue. Dashboards used to be highly static, meaning it is only capable of providing one preview of a data at a time. However, due to the technological advancements, dashboards are growing to be more interactive. Now, it is already possible for the users to upload their own data on the dashboard (Carr, 2008). Motorola first invented the six-sigma in 1980s, with the goal of providing better quality for the processes in various businesses, which many hug and small businesses are already using. This program is very useful in ensuring customer value and reliability. It was initially developed for quality control of businesses, but later on, companies are starting to use it to improve their communication system, thus resulting to more improved processes in companies. The major result of this is still higher quality of outputs. Apparently, the six-sigma program was developed for the sole purpose of enhancing the business processes, such as the variation reduction and financial reporting. Because of the goals, the result of the six-sigma program is well-improved customer satisfaction of most businesses. The technology behind this program is DMAIC methodology or defines, measure, analyze, improve, and control. Define stage is where the problem is identified, and then it is quantified during the measure stage. The causes of the problem are then identified during the analyze stage. Improving stage is when the problems are fixed. Finally, the control phase is putting everything in place assuring that the problem will not happen again (Six-sigma program, 2004). Perhaps, almost any type of organization has already experienced having a project fail. Any project failure can cost an organization a lot of millions. Common reasons for a failed project are cancellation and failure to complete it at the given timeline. Moreover, failure to specify project details will also lead to its failure, as well as lack of communication and project management. Finally, the major factor that leads to project failure is the lack of project measurement. It is one aspect of the project that actually sports any issue on the project and address them before the proper project kick off and implementation. These are some of the project development and implementation based on the EDA PM system: †¢ Performance measurement should be used to determine possible hindrances to a project. †¢ Project must be according to the priorities of the project. †¢ A strong project management system should be well established. †¢ It should be noted that implementation of the PM system can take a lot of time, effort, and at some point, money. Thus, a company should have the most competent staff to work on it, with the close monitoring and support of the top management. †¢ Performance measurement can also be used to easily recognize achievements from thee project. †¢ The duties and responsibilities should be clearly set for the entire phase from project planning to implementation †¢ Performance measurement will clearly identify the needs of the project. †¢ Consistency should be observed in terms of the project development and implementation with the company objectives and expected deliverables. In this method, the collect, analyze, interpret and report process in the project measurement should be identified. †¢ Business processes should include the project performance measurement in order for them to systematically collect, analyze, interpret, and report whatever is derived from the project development. †¢ Performance measurement should be objective, just, quantifiable, and results oriented, while including substantial qualitative information (Shayne, 2004). Performance measurement can have different functions: customer satisfaction, business development, employee motivation, and business process enhancement. It has been widely used as a tool to motivate employees to do better in their jobs, with the promise of incentives or rewards. Having a pool of motivated employees will eventually lead to high quality outputs. Moreover, performance measurement will allow a company to operate according to their goals, and have a way to analyze how the output of their current processes will go. It will also give the company a chance to improve certain areas, which they think are more useful in achieving their goals. Performance measurement is also a reliable tool for managers for their decision-making processes, because of its objectivity. References Carr, N. (2008). The Data Dashboard. American School Board Journal, 195(12), 42. Retrieved August 2, 2010, from Master FILE Premier database. Mausolff, C., Spence, J. (2008). Performance Measurement and Program Effectiveness: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach. International Journal of Public Administration, 31(6), 595-615. doi:10.1080/01900690701640929. Shayne, B. (2004). Performance-Measurement. Retrieved August 2, 2010, from SIX-SIGMA PROGRAM. (2004). In Encyclopedia of Health Care Management, Sage. Retrieved August 2, 2010, from
Friday, September 20, 2019
BMW and Rosslyn Plants Supply Chain Management and Logistics
BMW and Rosslyn Plants Supply Chain Management and Logistics BMW (Bayerische Motoren Werke), is arguably a luxury car manufacturer. BMW group headquarter is in Munich, Germany, however the company is settle all over the world (BMW Group, 2004) More detailed in (Appendix 1). In the early 1973, BMW opened his first international plant in Rosslyn South Africa (, 2007). Introduction The shifting business conditions of the 21st century has led to companies facing issues ranging from economic uncertainty to new technologies, globalisation and increasing consumer demands. In the automobile industry, as manufacturers design and build vehicles globally, their supply chains turn into increasingly multifaceted with challenges that frequently stand in the way of profitability and higher shareholder value such as long order-to-delivery lead times, unpredictable production schedules, excess inventory across the supply chain, lengthy demand planning cycles and lack of visibility of suppliers. The effect of the global economic meltdown increased the pressure on automotive executives to make right decisions about their supply chain for better performance. This paper will analyze how the German car manufacturer BMW South Africa (SA) at Rosslyn plant operates and how supply chain is conceived, supported, delivered and developed as well as identify the inventory management and the performance improvement that are affected by the identifying the logistics and supply chain management (SCM) systems as a possible strategy to respond to changing consumer demand. BMW Supply Chain Management process Supply chain management (SCM) can be defined as the design and management of seamless, value-added process across organisational boundaries to meet the real needs of the end customer (Fawcett et al., 2007). Generally, SCM involves relationships and managing the inflow and outflow of goods, services and information (network) between and within producers, manufacturers and the consumers (Christopher, 2005; Samaranayake, 2005; Gripsrud, 2006). A supply chain includes all activities, functions and facilities (directly or indirectly) in the flow and transformation of goods and services from the material stage to the end user (Sherer, 2005). It consists of an upstream supplier network and downstream channel (Mangan et al, 2008). The supply chain process at BMW starts from the customer and ends with the customer. BMW uses built-to-order structure to provide their customers what they want. Customer makes their request online or throughout the dealers. The information is then transmitted to Munich (Germany) which is captured in a central database. Bill distribution is done to establish cost of manufacturing and deciding where the car will be manufactured (, 2010). This is informed by the nature and design of the product, the cost involved and the lead time. All parts are complete on built-to-stock foundation on the model life of the car imported. Parts are received at the Cape Town international airport by shipment in the case of South Africa Rosslyn plant (SAP) (, 2010). It is then conveyed to the Rosslyn plant in Pretoria where it is then assembly. After assembled, it is taken to the warehouse where it is transported to the dealers set for collection by the customer (Ka ps, 2006). Several of the manufacturing, distribution of cars, suppliers of parts, exportation, quality values at BMW and the employ of mySAP technology for steering communication. These processes can be explained as follows. Production The production practice of cars goes during different shops where precise technologies are practical to make sure that value cars are delivered to customers. The procedure starts at Body-in-White Shop, where diverse pressed body parts are assembled into a body shell (, 2010). The next procedure is the Paint Shop, where it is painted according to the customers request. At last the painted body goes to Assembly Shop where parts are fixed as per specification ordered by the customer. The essential issue is stretchy manufacturing (, 2010). Paintings of car A painting of car is flexible to manufacture cars which meet the customers exact requests. Colour is an important principle for the customer choosing a car and is an influential marketing tool. Each customer is provided with the specific model require, with personalised features and all the options ordered, calls for an exceptionally high standard, not only in assembly but also in production and vehicle delivery management (, 2010). However, one of the main activities on the assembly line occurs at the mix point: the point at which the engine and drive train are mixed to the body of the car. Improvements are made on the assembly line which has made it possible for BMW plant to produce all the 3 Series 4-door model derivatives and option requirements for the local and export market (, 2010). Suppliers and assembly line BMW Rosslyn plant for example has about 44 local suppliers. Suppliers bring more than 60% of the mechanism of each car to the line. Just in time (JIT) supply processes ensure that certain components of the vehicle are on the assembly line just in time to be fixed to the exact vehicle they are made for. JIT supply systems are used to bring door panels, exhaust systems and rear and front axles to the correct point on the assembly line. Using a JIT supply scheme saves space by minimizing stock on the premise (, 2010). Typically, there is only one and a half hours of stock on the line at any set time which prevents damage to stock transport costs and saves storage. BMW plant delivers world-class worth products to consumers across the globe. All operational production is managed for offering uncompromising, best quality. However each and all procedure in manufacturing involved the car is checked for process inspections and aptitudes are implemented where needed (Acade, 2010). Distribution BMW plant Vehicle Distribution Centre (VDC) has a distribution facility and a cost-effective storage, allowing the safety and quality protection of the vehicles. A 200-vehicle car-train loads export vehicles use dedicated railway facilities and off-loads each day import vehicles. For example Rosslyn plant has about 196 dealers locally. Vehicles intended for dealers are loaded onto car carriers and to dealerships around the country, which save the vehicle from any marks wear and scratch prior to delivery to a customer (, 2010). All vehicles are inspected by associates VDC prior to loading to guarantee that the highest possible levels of quality delivery to dealers are maintained. The VDC provides a mechanical and paint/body workshop for the service and repair of company vehicles in addition to approve used cars. Manufactured vehicles are then transported to Durban (SA) for export. Transportation of vehicles to Durban port is on a daily basis. BMW South Africa (SA) has two train carriers, each one with a storage capacity of 176 units (, 2010). The trains are used to transport imports units from Durban harbour to the VDC in Rosslyn. The vehicles are loaded onto car carrying vessels at the Durban harbour, known as RORO ships. These ships transport vehicles to several marketplaces at the opposite ends of the earth. Cars are conveyed on a bi-monthly basis to the Far East, USA and Australia, respectively (, 2010). The transit period differs depending to the destination: Japan 23 days, USA 29 49 days, Australia 13 22 days (, 2010). Quality Standards To ensure optimum customer satisfaction, the built quality of the vehicles produced at BMW Rosslyn Plant is measured through a process called Complete Product Audit. This audit compares the quality of a unit to the customers requirements, including technical specifications, fitment and function. These audits are performed throughout the build process at specified points. These strict audit standards are set at BMW Germany by the Central Quality department and are the same for all BMW plant (, 2010). Using mySAP at BMW BMW uses mySAP Automotive to inspect assembly rank in real time. MySAP automotive parts use information and registers production validation every three minutes. Although, parts used during assembly are separately from the inventory count, and costs are posted to calculate the value of work in process. mySAP automotive helps to reduce order-to delivery time, reinforces supply chain activities in the areas of demand planning by tracking, tracing of material deliveries and improves inventory accuracy across BMW plant enabling significant reduction time-to customer (, 2010). It also receives custom-configured manufacturing orders from BMWs planning system which include all the parts necessary to manufacture each car. However, BMW sends these long-horizon forecasts and short-horizon JIT delivery schedules to its suppliers. Larger suppliers receive the information via electronic data interchange (EDI) whereas other suppliers access the mySAP automotive supplier portal , where BMW posts the requirements to present up-to-date information on its delivery needs (, 2010). By using only an Internet browser, suppliers can view this information in real time, including purchase documents, engineering documents, release schedules and invoices. When they ship parts, the suppliers send BMW advance shipping notifications (ASNs) to provide the car manufacturer with exact information on parts counts and delivery dates. Parts arriving at the BMW dock are then received and transferred directly to the line (, 2010). BMW plant has fully integrated systems and network worldwide because BMW uses a service management system as part of a wider plan to improve supply chain lifecycles. The platform is triggered by complexities in the technology embedded in its cars and subsequent demand for systems to support servicing (, 2010). BMW uses a portal to integrate information and systems with its suppliers which leads to faster information platform for communication however -advance technology applications is also used such as mySAP, JIT manufacturing, built-to-order which are all characteristics of lean manufacturing and innovations (Mangan et al, 2008;, 2010). BMW Rosslyn plant logistics Logistics is part of the overall strategy of BMW as is part of the supply chain such as flows of material, information, people and equipment (, 2007). Doing logistics involves various activities such sourcing and purchasing inputs, managing inventorying, maintaining warehouses, and arranging transportation and delivery. (Mangan et al, 2010: ) Logistics play an important role in the manufacturing and the production of BMWs products which are shaped by a very highly and flexible efficient production network with mature work practice and the most advanced plants and facilities. As a worldwide player, the BMW Group is represented through its quality products of the BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce brand in more than 140 countries. A flexible network of 23 production plants in 12 countries ensures that each customer receives the car he has ordered tailored to his specific needs and preferences (BMW Group, 2010). Efficient and flexible assembly at BMW is guaranteed by stylised logistics for an efficient production and a smooth flow of materials. Proficient logistics at BMW ensures accurate delivery of the parts required exactly on time, with a smooth and accurate flow of parts from BMW Group components or supplier (BMW Group, 2007). My SA 2nd automotive receives custom-configured manufacturing orders from BMWs planning system (, 2010). The orders include: Mass customization BMW plants were designed to allow maximum flexibility and effective communications two factors that BMW emphasized for customization of its cars. BMW was reputed for its customization program, which allowed buyers to design their own cars from a set of available options. These orders were then transported to the factory which manufactured them according to the requests, which are then delivered to the buyers in the shortest possible time. In manufacturing world, this structure is called mass customization (, n.d), which is one of the essential enablers of agile supply chain as it combines both advantages of mass customization with those of production (IcmIndia, n.d; Mangan et al, 2008). Most analysts agree that BMW was one of the prominent implementers of mass customization in the auto industry. BMW promoted differentiation of it products which is an important attribute for luxury car by proving 1000 bumpers variation, 4000 panels choices and 488 different door panels (See Appendix 2 Interesting facts). A very high percentage of their output is already made to order (, 2010). Role of supplier and IT BMW suppliers are located near the factory which is makes easy to be accessible and the time waste. The company keep the supplier constantly in the information loop and the information system for assembly. BMW had a very accurate ERP solution established by SAP. It linked the SCM very well. Once the data entered it reached automatically to production areas (, 2010). BMW at Rosslyn plant is typical example of how this IT practice has been organised using synchronised logistics. In the BMW example the incoming trucks are set a pager and preparing the specification by radio frequency identification (RFID) tag on arrival which is sent either straight to one of the waiting area or to the waiting bays. When the next loading bay in the delivery/pickup sequence for a given truck becomes available, the truck is paged to drive up and be unloaded / loaded (, 2010). The RFID unit as well acts as a transponder to recognize the loading bay location of the truck in the factory during its activities, which are monitored by the system. In other instances such as at DaimlerChrysler Bremen the incoming trucks for JIT and JIS (Just-In- Second) deliveries all have GPS and radio data units and they are tracked from their starting point at the supplier to the factory (, 2010). By monitoring the progress of the incoming trucks any dela ys are recognized in advance and the unloading plan amended accordingly. Based on the planned arrival of vehicles, the SyncroSupply system can plan the allocation of unloading bays, forklifts and other equipment essential to unload the goods and get them to their final location in the factory. In addition to supplier vehicles the system also manages internal truck movements, inter factory transfers, milk runs, return of empties ( 2010,, 2010). Performance improvement The automotive industry is currently witnessing rapid increases in the number of models and model variants that are available on the global market. The industry is now required to meet specific customer requirements in terms of specification and delivery date. Therefore, a fundamental change in BMW manufacturer shifted towards build-to-order, suggesting dramatic rise in flexibility and responsiveness across supply chain partners by implemented the leagile framework. Leagile is the combination of the lean and agile paradigms within a total supply chain strategy by positioning the decoupling point so as to customer end of the supply chain (downstream) while providing level scheduling supplier end of the supply chain (upstream) from the marketplace (Mangan et al, 2010). In order to achieve leagile supply chain, the upstream at BMW of the decoupling point have best suit the need for responding to an unpredictable demand designed to be lean while downstream agile (Mangan et al, 2008). Critical analysis Although the efficient supply chain processes and technology following the process needs to be faultless and as quicker as possible for survival in these uncertain times. BMW plant is quite flexible to customer demands giving the choice for them to request the type of cars they want at the appropriate price available. Cars are built-to-customers orders rather than by mass production. For example, differentiation techniques are used during painting as well as choices of the car features for comfort, hence flexible manufacturing. They do not hold inventory because the strategy is focused on built-to-order, so cars are made in sequence as the orders are placed using advanced technology such as mySAP which communicates demand planning across the supply chain (, 2004; Mangan et al 2008). Hence, BMW acquire characteristics of lean and agile supply chain (BMWGroup, 2004). Therefore the implementation of a framework for leagile supply chain at BMW is best so as to react to change s in the market (Mangan et al, 2008). Traditionally, the BMW has employed mass production strategy focusing on cost reduction (Zhang and Chen, 2006). However, due to globalisation, changes in the business environment etc, there has been a noticeable shift from the practice (Elkins, 2004; Sweicki and Gerth, 2008). BMW Rosslyn plant and the automobile industry in general have felt the results of the global economic meltdown resulting in a noticeable the actors of the supply decrease in sales and export across the globe (, 2007). To alleviate the situation, BMW has focused on strategies cost reduction with suppliers by reducing manufacturing plants. Not surprisingly, cost containment is a concern that figures prominently on the automobile agenda (Mangan et al. 2008). IBM (2009) survey indicates that there are five primary challenges facing auto makers in this economic downturn. This includes risk, customer demand, visibility, cost containment and globalisation which are raising interest rate, raw material, energ y cost and strong fluctuation. In this uncertain business climate, in addition to lean manufacturing, automobile manufacturers should be agile and responsive in addressing change which is BMW characteristics. A superior supply chain is a must to help auto manufacturers redesign and differentiate themselves (, 2010). The application of RFID technology at BMW warehouse has enabled the reading of multiple items simultaneously is an ubiquitous technology which could reduced motivation and job satisfaction which could lead to the reduction of operational performance because employee involvement in system design is important (Mangan et al, 2008). However there is the necessity to redesign and redefine BMW supply chain strategies, operations and layouts thus as to be able to react to varying market demands. It should be accepted that BMW have both lean and agile characteristics and the full implementation of a leagile supply chain is vital for the survival of BMW in th is uncertain business times and for the years to come. Conclusions In a highly challenging and competitive environment such as today, where supply chain is a popular tool for improving the organisational competitiveness, an efficient and effective supply chain strategy is a must for BMW and their component manufacturers so as to meet changing consumer demands.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Women in the Workforce Essay -- Economic Globalization Careers Essays
Women in the Workforce The integration of the world economy, or economic globalization, has been an operating force for centuries. However, in recent times the effects of this phenomenon have become a major cause for debate. Economic globalization is characterized and supported by free trade, the transcending of ideas and business infrastructures across national boundaries, increased capital flows, advanced communication systems, and an increased interdependence of national economies. It is a result of increased access to information, technology, knowledge and opportunities. The debate surrounding globalization however centers on how this increased access manifests itself in different countries, particularly underdeveloped and developing nations. Proponents of globalization argue that it creates expanded channels for employment, promotes broader and more substantial economic growth, allows for higher incomes, and improves quality of life. Critics say, among other things, that while this may be true for som e people, globalization is also functioning to marginalize underdeveloped countries and minority groups around the world. In the context of these two perspectives, I will examine a very important minority group who have, particularly over the past twenty years, become an increasingly important part of the labor force, women. In order to do this, I will first present some statistical data regarding women’s participation in the labor force. This data will show that women indeed have been affected significantly by globalization. In addition I will present a more qualitative look at how globalization has affected the lives of women by concentrating on several specific examples of women’s experiences in different countries. This is a statistical overview of women in the workforce. Female participation in the workforce ranges widely from 60% in some industrialized countries to about 10% in North Africa and Western Asia, averaging at about 43% as of 2000. This means that an average of 43% of women in the world work. This level of female participation is significantly higher than it was 20 years ago (Table 1), and is expected to reach an average of 48% by the year 2010. Table 1. Percentage of women that work Year Percent of women who work 1980 34 1985 36.5 1990 37.2 1995 39.5 2000 43.2 In the overall workforce, made up of approximate... ...tes and Projections of the Economically Active Population, 1950-2010. 5. Horton, Susan. Marginalization Revisited: Women’s Market Work and Pay, and Economic Development. 1999. 27 World Development: p571. Also see, Mehra, Rekha and Sarah Gammage. Trends, Countertrends, and Gaps in Women’s Employment Trends, Countertrends, and Gaps in Women’s Employment. 1999. World Development, 27: p533. 6. Aman, Alfred C. Introduction: Feminism and Globalization: The Impact of the Global Economy on Women and Feminist Theory, 1999. 4 Ind. J. Global Legal Stud. 1, 4. 7. Martha Chen et al. Counting the Invisible Workforce: The Case of Homebased Workers. 1999.World Development, 27: p603. 8. The World Bank Group. Data and Statistics – World Development Indicators. 2002. (See - Women in Development – About the Data). 9. Ministry of Labor. Data available at MOL's Website (See: 10. Rape for Profit: Trafficking of Nepali Girls and Women to India's Brothels. Human Rights Watch. October 2000, Vol. 12, No. 5 (A). 11. Over 60 million women fallen victim to sex discrimination. Indian Express Newspapers (Bombay, Ltd.) July 24, 1997.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Joe Jackson and the Black Sox Scandal Essay -- Shoeless Joe Jackson Ba
Joe Jackson and the Black Sox Scandal For anyone who knows anything about baseball, the 1919 World Series brings to mind many things. "The Black Sox Scandal of 1919 started out as a few gamblers trying to get rich, and turned into one of the biggest, and easily the darkest, event in baseball history" (Everstine 4). This great sports scandal involved many, but the most memorable and most known for it was Joe Jackson. The aftermath of the great World Series Scandal left many people questioning the character of Joe Jackson and whether or not he should have relations thereafter with baseball. There is still question today whether or not to let Joe into the Hall of Fame. Many people still question whether or not, Joe Jackson was involved in "The Black Sox Scandal of 1919." "The scandal even left its own legacy that is still inciting arguments among fans today: the fate of "Shoeless" Joe Jackson" (Everstine 3). As the word was being spread to "bet on the Reds", (Everstine 3), an astronomical amount of money was needed to make the payoff to all involved, including the baseball players of the White Sox who were participating in the scandal. Before the beginning of the game on that ‘scandalous’ day, Joe Jackson begged the owner of the White Sox; Charles Comiskey to listen to him in regards to the fix of the game that was about to happen. The evidence was proven that Jackson had even asked to be benched for the series to avoid any suspicion of his involvement in the fix. Unfortunately, Comiskey did not listen to Jackson. "Heavy betting was taking place" (Everstine 3). The game was played, after being fixed; the White Sox lost, even though there were seventeen other players on the team that attempted to do their best. Despite their best efforts, the "fix was successful" (Everstine 3). "As many fans sat in the stands and watched the game, they were not able to tell that the game had been fixed and thrown for the benefit of the Reds and the gamblers" (Everstine 3). Joe Jackson knew of the ‘fix’. Jackson did not take the financial padding that was offered to him. In the sixth game, "Jackson made two hits and nailed a Cincinnati runner at the plate with a perfect throw" (Gies and Shoemaker 58). "In fact, the Black Sox on the whole actually made a better showing in t... ...ty years since his incident. That incident does not seem as bad a spitting in someone’s face. "Joe was banned for life by Judge Landis, and his life is over so give the man his due place in baseball history" (Everstine 4). "He went on to say that many Hall of Fame players also support Joe’s induction into the Hall" (Everstine4). The preceding was stated by Ted Williams, a baseball great and also a member of the Hall of Fame. "Eighty years after the World series that resulted in Shoeless Joe Jackson’s lifetime ban from baseball, the House of Representatives passed a resolution calling for him to be honored" (AP B4). Shoeless Joe was indicted by a Federal Jury, and even they think he deserves the credit he is due. By passing this resolution, the House took its first step towards making the famous Shoeless Joe a Hall of Fame inductee. "Although throwing ball games was not a crime in Illinois, Landis said, Jackson’s confe ssion barred him . . ." (Seymour 331). Even though the law stated that these players had actually committed a crime, Judge Landis saw it as dishonorable and disrespectful to all of baseball, so he punished the accused harshly.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Graduation Speech: We Are the Leaders of Tomorrow :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
Anne Frank confided to her diary that, "Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands." And as we, the class of 2006, stand at the end of one path in our lives, and stare out at the field of possibilities before us, we are faced with awesome decisions. We have a wealth of knowledge behind us -- our parents and our families. We are at a point where we must decide where to go and what to do. One misstep now, even the slightest one, can cause a lifetime of regret. So as you and I set out on our chosen path, we must carefully consider where we are and where we want to go. Born in Tupelo, Miss. in 1935, one of the greatest musicians of the 20th century began his life in a humble setting. After a poverty-stricken childhood, this young man became a truck driver in Tennessee. Realizing he had tremendous musical talent, the musician visited Nashville and was able to secure a performance at the Grand Ole Opry in 1954. At the close of the performance, the manager, Jim Denny, fired him saying, "You ain't going nowhere, son. You ought to go back to driving a truck." But did this young man give in? Did he listen to the professionals? No, he tried again and again until he found a venue for his music. Once he found his break the rest is history, today we remember Elvis as one of America's greatest musicians. Parents can give us advice, they can point and push us in a given direction, but the final authority lies with us. My parents have always encouraged me to challenge myself, but when it came time to create a schedule and choose classes, the decision was mine. The Byrds remind us that, "To everything ... there is a season ... and a time to every purpose under heaven." I would contend that there is a time for guidance and a time for independence. Just like Elvis, we will encounter people who will have a different view of where we should be. Whether that person is a manager, a parent, a friend, we must carefully weigh the advice they give. At times we may be deviating from the best path for us and we made need their loving correction, but at times the advice may not fit our goals.
Monday, September 16, 2019
The World has changed for the worse
The world has changed for the worse. Humans are destroying our society. Our economy Is getting worse. Our crime rates are going up dally. Racism Is tearing apart our society. Society Is undergoing many changes and Is changing for the worse. There are many contributing factors that is making the USA economy go downhill . People earning minimum wage are not making enough money to pay their bills . November 201 3 through January 2014 the Wall-mart company was losing profit because sales were low. (Kurt) The sales were low because of the food stamp cuts by the governments, and because winter storms caused Wall-mart to close a few mimes (Kurt).Wall-mart plans to lay off around 2. 300 employees from Sam club around the US. (Kurt) . â€Å"Based on the White House's own figures, the national debt will reach $20. 0 trillion by the end of this decade?about 140% of our current GAP. †(US Economic Outlook) To pay the national debt the people pay more in taxes. Crime rates are still a prob lem In our society . Today 1 out of every 100 adults is In prison or Jail (Minnesota Dally)The daily news always shows another dead body found or someone murdered. Data from 2008 said there are 2. 319,258 people were In Jail In he united States (Minnesota Daily).Yesterday my mom went for a walk in the park. She parked her car and when she came back from the walk one of her car doors was wide open. People can't even go to the park today without there car getting broke into! So my mother is keeping her doors in her car locked every time she gets out now. The US homicide rate is still one of the highest In the industrialized world (Walked). U. S. Has not only a messed up economy and high crime rates but racism is also a problem. Department store employees follow African Americans around in a store cause they think they may shoplift. Becker).. The media are attracted to anything that smacks of racism(Thomas). Los Angels Clippers owner Donald Sterling tells a friend he would rather not h ave black people showing up at his games (Boston Globe). The unemployment rate for blacks Is consistently about double that of whites (Boston Globe). Well there you have it . We have racism, an economy on the verge of collapsing, and crime is a problem everywhere you go. The economy is so messed up we can't live off of a full-time minimum wage Job. In my opinion we are destroying ourselves.Can we save our country before we destroy what Americans worked so hard to create? We need to do our best and save our country before all of the freedom we have, all of the culture we have, disappears and the only explanation we will have at the end is it's too late. All we did was sit here, everyone should do something and take a stand to make our country a better place. A country we can actually say is number 1 and have proof behind that statement. Becker, Bob, and Cal Thomas. â€Å"Common Ground: Fight American Racism. †Gannett, 07 May 2014. Web. 30 May 2014. USA Today.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Visa Malay inducted professional management and implement different methods and theories to develop the company to globalize the company. Since then Kingfisher has gone on to become the undisputed ‘king' in the Indian beer market. Kingfisher today has impressive spread of manufacturing facilities throughout the whole country. Quality and hygiene are the key elements for its marketing philosophy success. Its flagship brand ‘Kingfisher', has achieved international recognition consistently, and has won many awards in International Beer Festivals. KingfisherPremium Lager beer is currently available in 52 countries and leads the way amongst Indian beers in the International market. It has been ranked amongst the top 10 fastest growing brands in the I-J. Today each one of the 32,000 Beer outlets in India sells one brand or the other from United Breweries. United Breweries limited has a 48% share in the Indian beer market. S. W. O. T (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Thre ats) Analysis A SOOT analysis is a structured approach to evaluating the strategic position of a business by identifying its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.It provides a simple method of synthesizing the results of the marketing audit. Strength Kingfisher is a true global Indian icon and is also known today as a premium worldwide brand. It has the strongest worldwide distribution system and is available in 52 countries worldwide. It is a worldwide known brand with sponsorship in Formulae, Indian Premier League and title sponsors of England and Wales Cricket Board's National Championship knock out competition due to this it has excellent brand visibility. It also has huge financial backing from PUB Group. WeaknessKingfisher usually focuses on strong beer market as it is mostly favored in India but not in other countries and thus market growth is slow. Due to the current high demand and worldwide distribution system many opportunities are lost as there is less availa bility. Opportunity Due to the current trend of beer among the young people Kingfisher has a lot of benefit by global market expansion. The changing culture and lifestyle of Indian people has also increased the beer consumption. Threats The alcohol industry is highly taxed and has certain regulations thus has a lot of impact on Kingfisher.Advertising for alcohol has been banned in India as it is considered to be a taboo. Negative perceptions about alcoholic beverages are widely common. Kingfisher faces huge competition from international companies like Heinlein, Scrabbles and Budweiser. P. E. S. T. L. E Analysts 2 PESTLE stands for political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental. PESTLE analysis is a process, to help understand the overall market environment for a particular industry, business, product, or project. It is often a key part of strategic marketing and business planning.PESTLE allows an organization to go in depth into heir current status and weakness es. Political factors:- Minimum drinking age The minimum drinking age in India is 21 years whereas in European countries is 18 thus minimum drinking age affects the alcohol business in an important way. People below the permitted age cannot consume alcohol even if they want to. Kingfisher beer is adversely affected in terms of sales. Banned advertisements India is a youth country thus advertising of alcohol products has been a subject of continuous debate between the government, the alcohol industry, health groups, policy makers and the public.Advertising in alcohol industry is done for brand choice and also it is a fair tool but banning advertising reduces market entry of new firms and thus also reduces awareness among the consumers about the product. Economic factors:- Taxation and Policies India has a very large youth population and strong beer is mostly favored but still growth of beer has some restrictions and complications which are in the form of taxes and policies implemente d by the state governments.Taxes and policies are different from state to state and some states do not allow alcoholic products brewed and manufactured from other states. The highest taxes are mostly levied by northern states such as Attar Pradesh, Punjab, Maharajah's and Delhi. All of this has a great impact on the sales of United Breweries and other brands but there are also many obstacles such as the government has banned the advertisements of any sorts for alcoholic products. Economic growth and per capita income With more than 60% of Indians younger than age 25 consumption of alcohol is likely to increase in the coming years.Due to continuous growth rate and growing economy people are getting richer day by day and also are their preferences as more people re drinking beers and spirits which is a very good sign for the growing alcohol industry. With the growing middle class and modern retail formats, taxation policies adopted by the state governments will act in favor of the gro wing beer industry in the coming future which will help united breweries and other brands in achieving their desired goals. Socio-cultural factors:- Cultural restriction India is a country with many religions and some of the religions prohibit drinking alcohol.This has a huge impact on the sales of alcohol brands. Violence through alcohol There is strong association between violence and drinking. Violent behavior is occurred in all communities it is caused mainly due to over consumption of alcohol. Alcohol abuse and violence is caused mainly due to poor parental modeling and mental stress. Drunken driving cases are some of the main causes of highway accidents. But through proper social norms and public education, violence and alcohol abuse can be tackled. Individual factors also play a very important role.Population India is the second largest country in terms of population and PUB group has a unique rand name thus people tend to consume their products. PUB group has a 48% share in the beer market that's why it is known as the king of beer market in India. Technological factors:- Scientific studies In a recent scientific research it has been confirmed that people who drink moderately have a lower risk of premature death as compared to people who do not drink at all. Consumption of alcohol moderately leads to a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases and obesity whereas people who drink in excess have a negative impact on their health. Distillery effluent treatment Compared to western countries where concentration of spent wash and its usage as an animal additive is a common practice, this process is not followed in India because Indian spent wash contains a higher level of inorganic substances which are found to produce a laxative effect if the consumption of feed is not monitored. Environmental factors:- Pollution A lot of water pollution is caused when the beer is made, the manufacturing of beer consists of three processes namely preparation of malt, beer wo rth and fermentation.These processes involve a lot of rinsing and cleaning as beer is made of barley and alt is prepared from it for brewing. The wastewater contains a lot of solids, detergents, soluble and insoluble organic materials. The wastewater is almost three times more concentrated than sewage but there are no toxic contaminants and most of the water is biodegradable. To meet the quality of discharge standards anaerobic biological treatment is done so that the organic concentration of wastewater is reduced.Legal environment:- Age factor In most European countries the age of drinking is 18 but in India where people are allowed to vote at this age are not permitted to drink. In India the alcohol consumption is allowed after 21 years but in some states it is 25. Despite the number of people who are below the ages of 25 years the beer industry has a huge potential if the current drinking age is lowered. Alcohol is considered a taboo in India as the culture and traditions are dif ferent than that of western countries. 5 Market Analysis:- The beer industry is still growing in India and it is estimated to be over 30 billion (in rupees).Overall annual consumption of beer is around 23000 million elites (fugues of 2011) the beer industry is growing at a yearly rate of 7% to 9%. The major players of beer industry are Gabrielle and United Breweries. The beer industry is likely to face more competition from foreign brands such as Scrabbles, Heinlein, Budweiser and Corona. Beer markets like USA and Europe have seen a flat growth whereas consumption in the Indian market has increased tremendously. In India beer sales have seen a rapid increase as compared to other alcoholic drinks.International beer companies like Budweiser, Scrabbles and Heinlein are well established in western countries but are still facing tough competition from Kingfisher which is the king in he beer industry of India with a 48% share. With more than 80% of market controlled by united breweries an d Gabrielle, foreign brands are yet to find their feet on the ground. Kingfisher posted a profit before tax of RSI. 1475 million in the first quarter of this year ending on 30th June 2012. Strong beer continued to dominate with a growth of 23% in sales volume.Intensity of rivalry The intensity of rivalry competitors is quite moderate as in case there is quite a rise in regulatory and legal burdens, manufacturers get together so that competition between them is lowered as they have to ensure their profit. Threat of new competitors The Indian beer industry is currently growing thus it is attractive for new players but with the dominant force of United breweries and Gabrielle already established it has been very difficult for foreign brewers to expand and overthrow Kingfisher which is currently leading in beer consumption.Threat of substitute Brands like Kingfisher face further competition from substitutes like wine, vodka and whiskey, which are mostly favored in India as beer industry is still developing, it still has to get a bigger consumer base which spirits do have but due to the changing rend and growing Indian youth population beer industry best is yet to come.Suppliers bargaining power Barley which is the most important product for brewing is quite cheaper and available in plenty and other inputs used to brew are also cheaper as there is a huge number of suppliers thus suppliers have less bargaining power. 6 Customers bargaining power It has been seen that customers are more powerful when their purchases form a large portion of seller's sales but if there are less number of players in the market people don't look at the quality but the product and thus they have less control over rice.Classification of beer Lager Ale Stout Creamy Ale Malt Plainer Porter Age Kingfisher mild For young people Just for fun People who drink for the first time mainly for experience Kingfisher strong People who drink regularly Those who want beer to be stronger mostly favored by people 25 and above ‘THE KING OF GOOD TIMES' As the punch line suggests Kingfisher has positioned its brand for people who want to socialize, party or have fun. 7 Customer Analysis:- The beer industry in India has a wide consumer base and people rink alcoholic beverages mostly for celebrating an event or socializing.Unlike western countries people in India are allowed to consume alcohol after the age of 21 in most states and spirits are given more preference. United breweries have a strong base in spirit and beer industries. Kingfisher is at the top of the list in consumption of beer. Consumer behavior India is a developing country with a large population of middle-class people thus people tend to consume beer occasionally. Whiskey, vodka and wine were given more preference but the beer industry is yet to reach its potential and is growing at a very cast rate.Products like Kingfisher and Harvard's 5000 have shown excellent progress so far as they are already established in th e beer industry. International brands like Budweiser, Heinlein and Scrabbles are still struggling to establish their brand among the people as they are expensive than Kingfisher and Harvard's products, this is mainly due to taxes and regulations by the state governments which usually are hard on alcoholic companies. In a recent survey it was shown that one in three beers drunk in India were of Kingfisher's. Consumers always prefer the cheapest product ND good value which Kingfisher effectively delivers.Recommendations:- Kingfisher is famous for its marketing and sponsorships in major sporting events and spends a lot of money on it per year. It should concentrate on innovation and development of new products which will help it increase its brand value in other western countries where there is even a larger market for its product and there are no restrictions on advertising. Retailing its beers with more number of large departmental stores. Advertising its brand ‘Kingfisher' by entering into different industries like water, soda of which advertising is allowed. This will lead to more brand awareness.Developing innovative and new packaging for its beer. It should concentrate on innovation of a new product which has elements of a spirit and a beer. 8 Conclusion:- Kingfisher has a huge potential of expanding the beer market in India as the per capita income of the people is rising and so is the consumption. Kingfisher also has a kind of monopoly over other brands as it is already well established and sells its product at a cheaper rate than the new competitors entering the Indian beer industry. The negative perceptions about alcohol consumption have gone down and he beer industry will definitely show a lot of growth in the coming years.
Amys bread case study Essay
Case Study Questions 1. Who are the main players (name and position)? The main Player in this is Amy Scherber and she is the manager and owner. Another main character is Toy Kim Dupree and he is Amy’s assistant manager. 2. In what business or businesses and industry or industries is the company operating? Amy’s bread is in the business of selling bread products both wholesale and retail. They sell primarily to high quality restaurants, hotels and food shops. 3. What are the issues and problems facing the company? (Sort them by importance and urgency.) It is hard to make a large profit because Amy pays her employees a higher amount then the other business in her field. She also has to employee about four times as many employees to complete the same job due to the intensiveness provided on each batch of bread. The company is also struggling with the idea of wither to expand or stand pat with their business. 4. What is the primary problem for the company/organization in this case? The primary problem in this case is the idea of expansion. The problem is that they do not know if they should expand or stand pat. If they do expand how are they going to centralize their business. Are they going to do strictly wholesale or wholesale and retail. 5. Why have the problem (s) you cite emerged? Identify the causal chain (the events or circumstances that caused the problem-Some will be Internal Weaknesses, others EXTERNAL Threats). This main problem has occurred because they are currently located in a storefront that is not adequate to provide the needs of all their potential customers. The main weakness here is that they are in a bad location for advancement. In their current location they are completing all of the orders that they possibly can. 6. What are the characteristics of the industry that the company is in and how is the industry changing over time? When Amy’s Bread first open bread baking was a growth industry. The U.S Department of Commerce reported there was a 12 percent increase in the consumption of specialty breads per capita. This industry is also very tough to get into there are a great deal of company’s that already have been working with restaurants for a long time. The other problem with the industry is that because it was a growth period many new bakers were trying to enter it and earn a name for them. So the computation for customers is high in the industry and only growing more competitive. 7. What is the firm’s strategy for differentiation, enabling them to compete within the context of their industry? Amy had a clear goal she wanted to be famous for making a great product and for creating a good place to work. Amy’s product itself was different because she set the highest standards on her quality. They also do not use any machines in the shaping of their bread. Every load of bread was hand crafted and shaped which was why her payroll was so high but it set her breads apart from the average shop. 8. What are possible solutions to the problems you have identified? Possible solutions to her crisis on where to go or wither to move at all are one she could not move and be satisfied where she is. The second option is she could move to a building that she would be able to produce large amounts of wholesale goods at and not concentrate on retail goods. The third option is she could move to an even bigger place where she could sell retail product and still meet her needs for wholesale. 9. What are the advantages and possible disadvantages of your solution(s)? If she stays pat then she will be able to turn a marginal profit and meet the needs of her current customers. The disadvantages would be that she would then miss out on opportunity to sell to all the customers that she has on her waiting list and her retail business would not be any bigger. In second option they would be able to meet all her wholesale needs. The disadvantages would be that she could not sell retail customers any more and she would be paying more for the property. In the third option she would be able to sell both retail and wholesale. She would be in a newly developing retail market with access to foot traffic. She would also be able to meet all her whole sale needs. To top it off she would be able to design the layout of the building to fit her exact needs. The disadvantages of this are that it is very expensive. She would get everything that she is looking for but at a substantially higher price then the other two options. 10. Are there any possible problems with your suggested recommendations? What contingencies need to be accommodated? My recommendation would be to choose the third option. It is the most expensive but Amy has already demonstrated that she has a sharp business minded and is able to build business and promote it. The retail space will help spread the word of how good her bread actually is and word of mouth is the best advertisement they could have. The biggest problem that they could have is if they start to loose customers. A second problem would be if the market begins to shift away from the cravings of bread. Or another problem could be that they simply do not add enough customers to be able to afford the new space. Case Study Analysis Narrative Format Case title: Amy’s Bread Student: Nicholas Mustico Date: 3-18-2013 Course: Management Principles Firm Overview and Introduction to the Case (Use this and all headings in your narrative) In this first section of the narrative, you will provide a brief description of the case subject firm and circumstances for your reader. YOU are the expert. Your analysis is reliant on the fact that you’ve read the case at least three In the case study of Amy’s bread you get a complete overview of the company. It discusses where they started how they started and the experience that the owner Amy Scherber has. Amy Scherber is the centerpiece of the company she is the founder, owner, manager, and lead baker/chef for Amy’s bread. Amy is also the main person in charge of the company’s finances and business discussions. Amy is now facing the problem of wither or not she is going to expand her company. She has been able to entrench her business in the tough industry of baking breads. This is a business that is very completive and hard to establish yourself in. Now that she has become establish she has to decide wither she would like to expand to meet consumer’s demands or stay where she is and be happy with what she has accomplished. Internal perspectives (Use this and all headings in your narrative) This section of your narrative is used to explain to your reader the internal, factual information about the case subject organization and the problems you’ve identified. Additionally, in this section you need to describe the causal chain. How did the problem arise? What caused it? The problem in this case would not be a problem if the company had not become as successful as it has. If the company had not become so popular then the small storefront that she had originally solicited would never have become a problem. They did become popular though and now they have to adjust to what they would like to become. No one knows if she had selected a larger site if she would have ever been able to get herself going but if she had then this problem may never have occurred. Her company now is at a point where they cannot satisfy one additional customer due to space constrictions. Amy’s problem is a hard one to decide on but for a company it is a good spot to be in if you have too much potential business. It is always better to have too much opportunity then too little. * External perspectives (Use this and all headings in your narrative) In this section you will describe the characteristics of the industry in which the subject organization operates. Identify any changes over time, which you believe contribute to the problems you’ve identified. Has the Firm’s Strategy for differentiation within their industry caused, Added to or exacerbated the problems you’ve identified? Amy’s bread is in a very complex and difficult industry to work in. She is in a field that has been â€Å"well farmed.†What I mean by that is that there have already been people there doing what she is trying to do. The business she is trying to sell to unless they are newer then her have all already put someone in place to fulfill their need. She then would have to show these businesses that she is that much better then her computation that they have already employed. Amy’s strategy for differentiation is basically being better then the computation. She is striving to have the highest quality, freshest, and most innovative bread selection. She had made it a point that she will not sacrifice quality for anything else including profit. Amy was lucky, or smart enough to enter the backing industry when it was on the rise. Consumption of grains had just begun to rise when Amy entered the industry. The U.S Department of Commerce reported there was a 12 percent increase in the consumption of specialty breads per capita. This industry is also very tough to get into there are a great deal of company’s that already have been working with restaurants for a long time. The other problem with the industry is that because it was a growth period many new bakers were trying to enter it and earn a name for them. So the computation for customers is high in the industry and only growing more competitive. This main problem has occurred because they are currently located in a storefront that is not adequate to provide the needs of all their potential customers. The main weakness here is that they are in a bad location for advancement. In their current location they are completing all of the orders that they possibly can. Then again this is not a problem that most business would not want. Solutions (Use this and all headings in your narrative) In this section you will provide a proposed solution to the primary problem/ secondary problems you’ve identified. Possible solutions to her crisis on where to go or wither to move at all are one she could not move and be satisfied where she is. The second option is she could move to a building that she would be able to produce large amounts of wholesale goods at and not concentrate on retail goods. The third option is she could move to an even bigger place where she could sell retail product and still meet her needs for wholesale. If she stays pat then she will be able to turn a marginal profit and meet the needs of her current customers. The disadvantages would be that she would then miss out on opportunity to sell to all the customers that she has on her waiting list and her retail business would not be any bigger. In second option they would be able to meet all her wholesale needs. The disadvantages would be that she could not sell retail customers any more and she would be paying more for the property. In the third option she would be able to sell both retail and wholesale. She would be in a newly developing retail market with access to foot traffic. She would also be able to meet all her whole sale needs. To top it off she would be able to design the layout of the building to fit her exact needs. The disadvantages of this are that it is very expensive. She would get everything that she is looking for but at a substantially higher price then the other two options. My recommendation would be to choose the third option. It is the most expensive but Amy has already demonstrated that she has a sharp business minded and is able to build business and promote it. The retail space will help spread the word of how good her bread actually is and word of mouth is the best advertisement they could have. The biggest problem that they could have is if they start to loose customers. A second problem would be if the market begins to shift away from the cravings of bread. Or another problem could be that they simply do not add enough customers to be able to afford the new space. Case Model Insert a copy of your case model at the end of your narrative. Model the problem and solution by drawing a diagram. Identify the problem, what is causing it, what is making the problem worse (or potentially hiding the problem), and what can be done to mitigate or eliminate it. Use the strategy models to help you think through the steps that must be taken to intervene and solve this problem. Case model
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Computer Operating System
An operating system (OS) is like a facilitator, providing an environment for application programs to run in. It provides an interface between computer hardware and the user of the application programs. Application programs are a stored set of instructions for responding to a specific request. Hardware are the physical devices that make up the system such as the monitor, keyboard, printer, ect. The OS typically includes anywhere from tens to thousands of built-in subroutines called functions which applications can call to perform basic tasks such as displaying a string of text on the screen or inputting a character from the keyboard. The OS allows the user to interact with and obtain information from the hardware through a series of layers. The command layer is the only part of the OS that interacts with the user and sometimes is referred to as the shell. It is the user†s interface to the OS in that the user can request system services via a Job Control Language (JCL), which is the set of commands and their syntax requirements, or through a GUI (Graphical User Interface), the newest command language. The command interpreter decides which services must be executed to process the request and passes these to the service layer. The service layer accepts the commands and translates them into detailed instructions. There is one service call for each number of system requests provided by this layer. It handles functions in process control, file control, and device control. It makes requests to drivers for access to the kernel layer, which interacts directly with the hardware. Input must travel through these layers to reach the hardware and the results must travel back. First and foremost, an operating system must provide a mechanism for starting processes, which most of us know as programs. There are two main types of operating systems: single-tasking and multitasking. DOS is an example of a single-tasking operating system, which simply means that it can only run one program at a time. Windows95 (or newer editions, prior editions were a GUI interface to DOS) is the most widely used multitasking operating system on PC†s. Multitasking means that many programs can run at the same time. The processor (CPU), which selects and executes instructions, must divide its time to each active application to make it appear that all are running at once. These types of operating systems contain schedulers that divide the processor†s time among active processes. The schedulers are located in the kernel. Each process has one or several threads of execution. Every few milliseconds the scheduler takes control of the CPU from the thread it is currently executing, uses a complex time-allocation algorithm to decide which thread should execute next, and continues executing the thread at the point where it was last interrupted. The next fundamental duty of an operating system is to manage the memory – or storage of data – available to it and its applications. The goal in memory management is to give each application the memory it needs without infringing upon memory used by other applications. When a program is loaded and ran, the OS allocates a block of memory to hold the program†s code and data. If a program requires additional memory, it can call a function in the operating system to request more. DOS does not handle memory very well because it runs in real mode, where only 1MB of RAM (Random Access Memory) is addressable. The RAM is volatile memory that stores the running applications but the information is lost when the computer is turned off. Windows95 does a much better job of managing memory because it runs in protected mode, which allows it to use all memory, including extended memory. And even when that much memory isn†t enough, it can make more available by creating virtual memory from free space (space that has nothing stored in it) on a hard disk (non-removable secondary storage hardware device). Virtual Memory is a memory management technique that only loads active portions of a program into main memory. Windows95 also takes steps to prevent an application from accessing memory that it does not own. In DOS, and application can write to someone else†s memory, including the operating system†s, which can crash the entire system. Windows95 runs applications in private address spaces that are logically isolated from each other and identify the start of the file. One of an operating system†s most important components is its file system – the part responsible for managing files stored on hard disks and other mass-storage devices. An operating system provides high-level functions that applications can call to control file I/O, which covers the opening, closing, creating, deleting, and renaming of files. To read a chunk of data from a file, the application calls an operating system function and passes the operating system the file handle (which uniquely identifies an open file), the address in memory where the data should be copied, and the number of bytes to copy. The OS has to identify each sector on the disk that holds a portion of the requested file and program the drive controller to retrieve the information, sector by sector. It has to do this efficiently so that the information is retrieved quickly. The OS finds the right locations on the disk because it keeps a map that contains the name of each file and a record of where it is stored. DOS and Windows95 use a file allocation table as a map to find the locations. Another role that operating systems play in making a computer work is controlling device I/O. A device is a piece of hardware such as a video adapter, keyboard, or mouse. To talk to a device, a program must speak the device†s language, which usually consists of streams of 1†³s and 0†³s. There are thousands of different devices and â€Å"languages†, so the OS helps out by serving as an interpreter. It talks to the devices through device drivers, which are interface programs specially designed for each individual I/O device. Most operating systems like Windows95 come with dozens of different drivers for each I/O device. DOS also uses drivers, but they are often so primitive that the applications perform device I/O by relying on low-level routines encoded in ROM (Read Only Memory – allows the data to be read but not written) in the computer†s BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) or by talking directly to the hardware. Computer Operating System An operating system (OS) is like a facilitator, providing an environment for application programs to run in. It provides an interface between computer hardware and the user of the application programs. Application programs are a stored set of instructions for responding to a specific request. Hardware are the physical devices that make up the system such as the monitor, keyboard, printer, ect. The OS typically includes anywhere from tens to thousands of built-in subroutines called functions which applications can call to perform basic tasks such as displaying a string of text on the screen or inputting a character from the keyboard. The OS allows the user to interact with and obtain information from the hardware through a series of layers. The command layer is the only part of the OS that interacts with the user and sometimes is referred to as the shell. It is the user†s interface to the OS in that the user can request system services via a Job Control Language (JCL), which is the set of commands and their syntax requirements, or through a GUI (Graphical User Interface), the newest command language. The command interpreter decides which services must be executed to process the request and passes these to the service layer. The service layer accepts the commands and translates them into detailed instructions. There is one service call for each number of system requests provided by this layer. It handles functions in process control, file control, and device control. It makes requests to drivers for access to the kernel layer, which interacts directly with the hardware. Input must travel through these layers to reach the hardware and the results must travel back. First and foremost, an operating system must provide a mechanism for starting processes, which most of us know as programs. There are two main types of operating systems: single-tasking and multitasking. DOS is an example of a single-tasking operating system, which simply means that it can only run one program at a time. Windows95 (or newer editions, prior editions were a GUI interface to DOS) is the most widely used multitasking operating system on PC†s. Multitasking means that many programs can run at the same time. The processor (CPU), which selects and executes instructions, must divide its time to each active application to make it appear that all are running at once. These types of operating systems contain schedulers that divide the processor†s time among active processes. The schedulers are located in the kernel. Each process has one or several threads of execution. Every few milliseconds the scheduler takes control of the CPU from the thread it is currently executing, uses a complex time-allocation algorithm to decide which thread should execute next, and continues executing the thread at the point where it was last interrupted. The next fundamental duty of an operating system is to manage the memory – or storage of data – available to it and its applications. The goal in memory management is to give each application the memory it needs without infringing upon memory used by other applications. When a program is loaded and ran, the OS allocates a block of memory to hold the program†s code and data. If a program requires additional memory, it can call a function in the operating system to request more. DOS does not handle memory very well because it runs in real mode, where only 1MB of RAM (Random Access Memory) is addressable. The RAM is volatile memory that stores the running applications but the information is lost when the computer is turned off. Windows95 does a much better job of managing memory because it runs in protected mode, which allows it to use all memory, including extended memory. And even when that much memory isn†t enough, it can make more available by creating virtual memory from free space (space that has nothing stored in it) on a hard disk (non-removable secondary storage hardware device). Virtual Memory is a memory management technique that only loads active portions of a program into main memory. Windows95 also takes steps to prevent an application from accessing memory that it does not own. In DOS, and application can write to someone else†s memory, including the operating system†s, which can crash the entire system. Windows95 runs applications in private address spaces that are logically isolated from each other and identify the start of the file. One of an operating system†s most important components is its file system – the part responsible for managing files stored on hard disks and other mass-storage devices. An operating system provides high-level functions that applications can call to control file I/O, which covers the opening, closing, creating, deleting, and renaming of files. To read a chunk of data from a file, the application calls an operating system function and passes the operating system the file handle (which uniquely identifies an open file), the address in memory where the data should be copied, and the number of bytes to copy. The OS has to identify each sector on the disk that holds a portion of the requested file and program the drive controller to retrieve the information, sector by sector. It has to do this efficiently so that the information is retrieved quickly. The OS finds the right locations on the disk because it keeps a map that contains the name of each file and a record of where it is stored. DOS and Windows95 use a file allocation table as a map to find the locations. Another role that operating systems play in making a computer work is controlling device I/O. A device is a piece of hardware such as a video adapter, keyboard, or mouse. To talk to a device, a program must speak the device†s language, which usually consists of streams of 1†³s and 0†³s. There are thousands of different devices and â€Å"languages†, so the OS helps out by serving as an interpreter. It talks to the devices through device drivers, which are interface programs specially designed for each individual I/O device. Most operating systems like Windows95 come with dozens of different drivers for each I/O device. DOS also uses drivers, but they are often so primitive that the applications perform device I/O by relying on low-level routines encoded in ROM (Read Only Memory – allows the data to be read but not written) in the computer†s BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) or by talking directly to the hardware.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Professional & legal issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Professional & legal issues - Essay Example But in the given condition, it is only me who is available to sort out these problems. Since the problem is very critical, it may cause loss of life if not sorted early. Now since I am well qualified and is aware of the technique involving the creation of the problem, it is my moral as well legal responsibility to make an attempt to solve it. Currently there are two parties involved. First one is the hospital and the next one is me. Any death caused due to the above mentioned problem will be regarded as a matter of negligence with responsibility being shared by the hospital and the person responsible for maintenance. The hospital has failed in obtaining an emergency kit which can be used in case of any technical problem. No electronic device can be considered for life time and must not be expected to perform throughout without any problem related to hardware as well as software (Ackers, 2005). Despite knowing the utility and need of the IT officers, the hospital has also failed in maintaining the proper number of the same so that whole functioning of the equipments can be achieved without a glitch. So the hospital can charged for going for cost cutt ing through less hiring of the people required for maintaining necessary elements so that proper functioning of the emergency services like the ICU can be maintained. ... charged on the ground of lapses which may finally risk the patient's life and any casualty will be considered as a consequence of negligence on the side of hospital. And since currently only I am available, so it's going to be me who will finally be penalized by the hospital and there is a possibility of getting accused in the case. Being an IT professional, I will try my best to sort out the problem in the quickest possible time. But at the same time, I will suggest the authorities to hire more professionals so that any situation like the one mentioned here can be averted. Since most of the programs are meant for live saving equipments so there should be at a group of developers for developing, maintaining and handling of the system and at least one of them must be available at any given time (Bott, 2005). In the given case study there is just one person who was involved in the development process and he was not present when the problem raised its ugly head. The development of software is generally done in different phases with proper documentation each of the phases must be done and properly stored. The development of each of the phase should be followed with a very precise software testing techniques. The same process should again be repeated once the whole software has been developed. But still none of us c an say the software developed is error free. There is a possibility of it not performing according to expected outcomes because of hardware delay or any other complexity. So the complete set of hardware with the software must be tested live with output being properly monitored. The hospital must have at least a pair of each of the device with one being maintained for emergent conditions. Moving on to software development processes, the software must be developed
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